Because there is a front, there is a backA left, because there is a rightAnd a summit because there is a baseThere cannot be one without the otherBoth are needed...
Why are we born small and helpless Why do we have a body that with time, matures and then ages Why is the heart connected with the body as long...
In the grand, unceasing current. I am one moment’s tiny ripple on the surface Appearing only to disappear. Disappearing only to reappear. The one proceeds from all. And all proceed...
Softly gathered, softly whispering Under fallen leaves In the shadow of a decaying logFallen acornsGathering together without shapeConversing without voices The life of the forest
At the edge of the selfUchi and soto An ambiguous boundary Gently covered Quietly connected
The end is the beginningThe beginning is the end Unceasing
I am myself Even though I wilt and become a seedI am always myself
How did they come to be shaped this way? Perhaps they were born out of a long conversation no one else can hear. Full of a wisdom and knowledge no...